Electric Vehicle Technician Certificate
Price: $1,750 or pay-as-you-learn with initial registration of $580.
Location: Online
The program has been developed for adult learners pursuing training through independent study, specifically students interested in improving their technical knowledge to diagnose, service and repair high voltage EVs and install, design and maintain residential or commercial charging stations. No background in Auto mechanics or electronics is required and there are no post-secondary academic prerequisites, so anyone can get training in this rapidly-growing industry.
The EV program consists of 14 modules of interactive curriculum using state-of-the-art simulation software with virtual lab/shop experiments, combined with videos, animations and real-world practical examples to reinforce the fundamental concepts of EV technology. Students who enroll in the program receive a licensed copy of CircuitLogix, which includes both 2D- and 3D-simulation. Pay as you go. (No Waivers)
For More Info or to Enroll: https://mwcc-gbc.com/ev/program-costs
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